Monday, November 16, 2009

Operation Gratitude Care Package Weekend! November 14th, 2009!

Over 1000 volunteers turned up to prepare nearly 9000 packages for the troops!  
Church groups, corporate sponsors, Knights of Columbus, Scouts, school groups... 
everybody you never knew existed in Los Angeles!

Target gave OG a $250,000 check on the spot. Thank them at the 
cash register!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great organization that everyone can get involved in regardless of where you live, and should.

    Each box costs $11.00 to ship. Think about putting out a jar at work like the folks at one company did. They used what they called "the power of one", because they knew the cost to ship one box was now a dollar more than last year. Another option would be to donate what you would have spent on those "Secret Santa" presents. Every box makes a difference!

    If you don't think the boxes make a decision, consider the letter that was received by Op Grat. The soldier said he was going to commit suicide that day because he felt no one cared. That was until the box arrived. He detailed how that box not only saved his life, but turned it around.

    To all of you who frequent here, I challenge you to send whatever you can. Don't think that anything is too small. Remember, the power of one.

    Deborah Leigh
