That's right! The SHOCKING! yet COMPELLING! truth that was so HORRIFYING! even Ann Althouse's blog was not too high a price for Google to pay to try and SUPPRESS it!
CAN THIS BE TRUE?! How can it NOT?! How else can you explain it being the ONLY POST to disappear from my ENTIRE BLOG?!
Well, Three Beers Later will NOT be stopped! We will NOT be silenced! Information wants to be FREE! (um, unless it's information TBL has copyrighted or trademarked, in which case we will sue you out of your grandchildren's home...)
So here it is, once again, the POST They thought to keep from the world....
Medical Professionals Agree:
CAN THIS BE TRUE?! How can it NOT?! How else can you explain it being the ONLY POST to disappear from my ENTIRE BLOG?!
Well, Three Beers Later will NOT be stopped! We will NOT be silenced! Information wants to be FREE! (um, unless it's information TBL has copyrighted or trademarked, in which case we will sue you out of your grandchildren's home...)
So here it is, once again, the POST They thought to keep from the world....
Medical Professionals Agree:
NEWT 2012!
If he's tough enough to
stand up to his
for his
he's tough enough to
stand up to the