Had my tickets reserved to go see Sarah Palin's The Undefeated down in Orange tonight. Bought and paid for, alternative routes worked out around the dreaded Carmageddon, everything scheduled.
Then the car erupts! Smoke, scary noises, ominous oozings, engine temp thru the roof... hadda have it towed the shop...
The funny thing, the funny, sinister, suspicious thing is, this isn't the first time this has happened. When Deborah Leigh and I were headed down to Orange County to catch Sarah Palin's big rally down there...
Our car blew out on us then, too.
What did those two cars have in common? CLEARLY, since they were both built by GM and the UAW, the only POSSIBLE explanation is that there is a massive secret conspiracy by the Obama Administration and its corrupt union lackeys to keep Deborah Leigh and I from attending Sarah Palin events. For that matter, the timing of the so-called "Carmaggedon" also suggest the damned LA Democrats may be in on it as well. Wouldn't put it past the tofu-snortin' bastiches.
Or, in the greater scheme, this could all be part of an ongoing Democratic plan to block all contact between Orange County and Los Angeles Republicans...
BUT WE WILL NOT BE THWARTED! We got to that Sarah Palin rally then and we'll rent us a nice patriotic Jap beater and get to the movie tonight! See y'all there....!