Operation Gratitude Care Package Weekend!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Hilllary Questions War Critics Patriotism...

...and yes, that's Hillary "We Need to Know What George Bush Knew and When He Knew It"Clinton.

No, Madame Secretary, we're not unpatriotic.  We just want one question answered:

"Hey, Mrs. Clinton!  We've got Muslim Extremist Rebels and Muammar Ghadaffi!  Which side are we bombing this week?  It used to make a difference...."

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

CENSORED! Suppressed Huntsman Motorcycle Campaign Ad Leaked!

Gangstas Salute Janice Hahn!

The truth behind the TRUSA video... from the mainstream media itself!

Nasa's James Hansen: Green Fraud and Government Cheat

NASA 'climate expert' cashed in on green movement he championed to tune of $1.2 million.
"Rules for thee but not for me..."
According to lawsuit papers filed, Hansen, a virulent global-warming activist who once accused the Bush Administration of trying to silence him (in print) at a time when he had given over 1500 interviews, features and speeches, and was caught deleting old NASA climate data to skew the results of his fraudulent experiments, has failed to properly document over one million dollars in fees and awards he received from the green movement, or to receive approval to accept such monies.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Los Angeles Democrats Lawyer Up On Hahn Video.

The Los Angeles County Democrats have unleashed their lawyers on Turn Right, USA, the creators of the notorious Jessica Hahn Video highlighting her triumphant tour in LA gang relations.  Somehow convinced they enjoy some special unilateral exemption from criticism, they are demanding Turn Right, USA take the video down.

Turn Right has responded as the Democrats really should have expected, if they weren't so used to dealing with Republicans, in spite pf lawyerly threats and thug intimidation.

In addition, Turn Right has identified the individual they believe instigated the Denial-of-service attacks on their sites the day the video premiered.  Local, State and Federal authorities are now notified and getting involved.

Folks, get over there and hit these people's tipjar.  We cannot spare them; they fight, and this is going to be a dirty primary season with Democrats free to intefere since they do not see fit to offer their own voters a choice.

Monday, June 20, 2011

OK, Here's How It Works on the Janice Hahn Thing...

If you laughed at Bill Maher when he called Sarah Palin a 'twat,' you don't get to have an opinion.
If you ever laughed at Bill Maher, you don't get to have an opinion.
If you thought it was funny when the Democrats painted Michael Steel in blackface, you don't get to have an opinion.
If you applauded when Congressional Democrats called Clarence Thomas and Condoleeza Rice  'house slaves,' you don't get to have an opinion.
If you've ever used the word 'teabagger' in something other than a very intimate request, you don't get to have an opinion.
If you've ever taken money to blog from a former Nazi accomplice turned currency raider, you don't get to have an opinion.
If your first thought when someone gets shot is "rightwing extremists", you don't get to have an opinion.
If you watch the 'View' you don't get to have an opinion.
If you work on the 'View' you don't have an opinion.
If you work for the CA GOP, you don't get to have an opinion.
If you still think Bush is responsible for the economy, you don't get to have an opinion.
If you've ever used the words 'Aztlan', 'La Raza,' or 'MeCHA' and not prefaced them with "the problem of," you don't get to have an opinion.
If you've ever used the words 'gang culture' with a straight face, you don't get to have an opinion.

List of Information, Implication and Insinuation

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