Eric Boehlert's nightmare imaginings that we bitter flyovers might stop clinging to our Bibles long enough to use two hands on our guns and turn into a nation of assassins... one small problem with his theory:
Leftist Puerto Rican nationalists (Truman)
Lee Harvey Oswald (JFK): Communist
Sirhan Sirhan (RFK): Arab PLO supporter
Arthur Bremer (Wallace): schizo who stalked Wallace and Nixon
Squeaky Fromme (Ford): Manson Hippie chick
Sarah Jane Moore (Ford): Manson Hippie chick
Carter: um, nobody?
John Hinckley, Jr. (Reagan): Saw Taxi Driver 15 times, developed obsession with Jodie Foster and determined to shoot Reagan to make an impression, as Bremer, the inspiration for Taxi Driver, had.
Bush 41: Nobody
Clinton: Nobody. Francisco Martin Duran fired on the White House, claiming to be destroying an 'alien mist'.
Bush 43: Nobody.
Obama: Nobody.
Frankly, rightwing crazies are way behind the curve. Leftists and lunatics, though, or as we like to call them, Obama's base, are pretty clearly a hazard to the public weal...
UPDATE: Color me stunned; Media Matters hasn't posted this.