Operation Gratitude Care Package Weekend!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Breaking! People Not Doing Shit Threaten General Strike!

Mother Jones tweets:
From our reporter at #occupyoakland General Assembly just now MT @timmcdonnell: General strike passes with 1184 votes of approval

JackalAnon tweets:


Folks, this is big. I mean, HUGE. The power of fringe groups to call for universal job action is simply devastating to an economy and society.

Remember the day the illegals all struck to show us how important they were to the economy?

However did we survive?

Remember the horror of the nationwide gay walkout to protest the passage of Prop 8?
What can we do against the torpid passion of the somnolent indigent?

I'm saying a prayer, folks. I'm saying a prayer for the whole world...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pirate Bay Calls to "Occupy Hollywood!"

While filthy rich celebrities flock to the Occupy Wall Street movement to redistribute our wealth, the Swedish software piracy site The Pirate Bay is eagerly climbing on the bandwagon and calling for the redistribution of Hollywood's wealth.

Now, I am NOT saying go there and download anything.  That would be wrong, not to mention a FELONY. Kids, don't try this at home, etc. Just say no to bootlegging and piracy, etc., etc. etc.

But just for shits and giggles, go there and type in the titles of some Michael Moore movies, or Danny Glover pics, or maybe some Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins films, and see what's available to the world from the good socialist wonderland of Sweden. Look (but don't touch!) at what you can find by Kanye West and Roseanne Barr and Russell Simmons and Yoko Ono....(update: Add Kathy Bates)

You know.  For the perspective.

List of Information, Implication and Insinuation

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