Sinister Conservative Harshes the Whole Foods Mellow Over a Glass of Porter...
On a more serious note, the staff at Whole Foods could not have been more courteous and professional. We'll definitely be shopping at this chain again.
An Experiment in Adjusting an Alcohol-based Reality Filter. The more beer you drink, the more the world seems to make sense. I'm not sure if this is the beer's fault, or the world's. Experiments proceed. For pigeonholing purposes, I consider myself a South Park Conservative: I believe in Loose Women and Tight Borders but I'm getting anime porn and legally mandated lounges for day laborers...further adjustment to the model may be needed. e-mail me at slayerdaddy-AT-yahoo.com
AH HA!!! Obviously a Conservative and therefore racist...notice the white hat. It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, that any Conservative hoisting a glass of Porter must, by viture of being Conservative, be sinister. Further proof is the wearing of stylish shades while indoors! And who are the shadowy figures in the background, I ask...hmmm? Could it be the more of the Dark Lord's minions....We all know that where there is one sinister Conservative there are others!
Deborah Leigh
I could not get to WF but I support the thought. I wonder if Deborah is a member or supports Acorn or SDIU. I believe, all people that call others racist without facts are themselves racist and are causing a raciest divide in our country.
Uh, Larry, you got to stick around here a little more, learn the players.
Reasonably sure Deborah is not a racist. Also reasonably sure that, um, the joke...?
Richard, Why not have Deborah answer for herself. Do you think all conservatives are racists?
Well, let's see...
I've attended the same two support-the-troops rallies with her since the war started, as well as numerous other events.
I've campaigned for candidates with her,
I have lunch or dinner with her basically every day,
I know her racial ancestry -- something you don't,
So basically, I feel pretty sure confident of my assertions that a) Deborah isn't a racist, and b)you're coming it a bit thick, son.
OK, so you know her and are reasonably sure Deborah is not a racist. Does that give you the wright to speak for her? She did call All conservatives racists.All I did is ask reasonable questions. I would like reasonable answers by Deborha, not a friend.
Larry, if you're incapable of comprehending irony, you're not going to be very happy on this site.
If you're a troll, you're a lame one.
And if you really think you can DEMAND anything of ANYONE on the internet, I don't think you're clear on how this thing works.
Obviously Deborah was speaking tongue-in-cheek. I don't know her and I don't know Richard but it's obvious from her post and from Richard's answers that she was being witty. Good for you Deborah and good for you Richard for standing up for her...very chivalrous. I happen to know a Larry that would respond like this Larry has. If it's you, Larry D., this is Linda M. and you need to lighten up. If it's not you, Larry D., then whoever you are you need to lighten up anyway.
Well, I was there showing my support. I did notice that you all looked like you were having a good time. But, Whole Foods is, how shall I write this. TOO HEALTHY! But, I am enjoying the unsalted sunflower seeds! BTW, you are now on the Right View From The Left Coast blogroll!
Deborah couldn't have been funnier . . . from posting her comment as Anonymous and then signing her name, to calling the obviously benign people in the background “shadowy figures . . . more of the Dark Lord’s minions!” Obviously a rare and wry sense of humor. I love it! I missed this event, but am looking forward to attending others.
Righty64-- reciprocated!
Okay, Larry. Here I am. Though I'm usually much too busy to explain something that has already been explained (by not just one person no less)I'll make an exception...just for Richard.
You were told by Richard and the fine readers/friends of this site that the post was meant as wit. Richard presented my credentials, and yet...and yet, you couldn't or wouldn't believe. That's problematic in itself. But I digress. Well, you should believe. I am a proud member of the VRWC (Vast Right Wing Conspiracy),
Conservative with a capital "C", Army vet, and activist, just to name a few. Now, if you still don't get it, then let me suggest the arrow in the upper corner of the page that points to the left.
Thank you to Anonymous and Righty64 for
attempting to counsel Larry, and for the defense. Thank you to Anonymous for the kind words about my wit. To Righty64, now I can tell Richard that he's on a roll! (Pun intended) And lastly but certainly not least to Richard....
You folks didn't seriously think I'd compromise my lady code by giving details, did ya.....sheesh.
Deborah Leigh
Larry is a misogynistic racist?
Deborah: show off!
Deborah, I stand corrected and accept my apology. I am new to this and the current political liberal climate has made me that way. Thank you for answering my comment, and correcting me,most politicians would not. They have others do it so they can twist it later. You have my support.
That was an interesting piece of information on handwriting analysis. Please post more about graphology. Thank you!
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