Henry Waxman, California Democrat Congressman, former Star Trek salt vampire, and co-sponsor of the Cap and Trade legislation is reported to have cancelled his planned show trials/hearings for the corporate CEO's who published K-9 documents listing the billions of dollars in losses they are going to take as a result of the Democrats' Obamacare midnight health care bill. Waxman had claimed the notices were a deliberate attempt to discredit President Obama and his legislation.
Speculation on the Hill is that his crack team of Democratic Congressional staffers reminded the Democratic Congressman that he voted for the bill requiring the publication of said notices following the criminal collapse of major Demnocrat donor Enron.
More informed speculation centered around Waxman's fear that the CEO's would bring dog whistles whose high pitched notes would disorient the congressman, causing him to fly erratically and bump into walls in front of the C-SPAN cameras...
Midnight Moonlight
Old & in the Way : Midnight Moonlight
23 February 1836: Siege of the Alamo Begins
1 hour ago
Jesus, this guy is ugly enough to frighten buzzards off a carrion wagon.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. At least, in posting the Waxman family portraits, you've let us know that Henry is jealous of his better-looking relatives. That might explain some things.
Glad Paco gave a warning, about this man, goodness he must have been born in a lab, no woman could have given birth to this person.
The most scary thing is people vote this fug into office.
Over and over and over again
Well done Richard on your cartoon every day, it is enjoyable to come accross and read it.
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