Don't USN ships have yardarms anymore?
Operating from high speed launches, US Marines boarded a hijacked merchant ship to seize nine pirates, and rescue 11 trapped merchant sailors. "Once we showed them the American flag, their disposition turned from scared, unsure of what was happening, to very happy," said Staff Sgt. Thomas Hartrick. A quote not likely to be heard on ABC News anytime soon.
""The pirates were definitely overmatched," Vice Adm. Mark I. Fox , commander of the U.S. Fifth Fleet in Bahrain, said in a telephone interview. Admiral Fox's previous posting was to the Pentagon Office of No Duh?
One of these things is not like the other...
One of these things just doesn't belong...
HT: The Washington Post, which labors under the delusion the Marines have "commandos"...
1 comment:
When you want things done right ya gotta call the US military! Finest fighting force on the planet! Bar none!
""The pirates were definitely overmatched," Vice Adm. Mark I. Fox , commander of the U.S. Fifth Fleet in Bahrain..."
Well duh. The pirates would have been outmatched if only one Marine showed up, and he had an arm tied behind his back. Go Devil Dogs!
Deborah Leigh
former Sgt, Army, 1976-1984
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