So the White House is admitting they've had the Obama birth certificate all along, and could have released it at any time. Instead of...
...signing a Presidential Executive Order sequestering all of Obama's personal and academic records...
... and spending over a million dollars fighting efforts to get the certificate released ...
...signing a Presidential Executive Order sequestering all of Obama's personal and academic records...
... and spending over a million dollars fighting efforts to get the certificate released ...
... to answer a simple question every single Presidential candidate is obliged to answer.
Now a squabble between Barack Obama and Donald Trump is about as significant in the greater scheme of things as two deinstitutionalized schizophrenics fighting over a bus stop bench. But it must give the American people a warm feeling to know that their President, the public face of their nation...
...the guardian of their future, their champion to the world...
...shows all the emotional maturity of a 13-year-old girl throwing a tantrum and telling her mother, "You can't make me clean my room!"
Sleep soundly, America...
Linked to at:
Obama Releases His Long-Form Birth Certificate
I've commented everywhere I can (in hopes of spreading a meme with legs that I happen to believe in), that Obama was holding onto his birth certificate in hopes of releasing it just before the election so that he could say birthers and Republicans are one and the same lunatics. So, as much as I wish Donald Trump would vanish from the American scene, I have to give him props for forcing Obama's hand early, when this birther stuff will have much less impact on the election.
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