FERC Report Card
No report to Biden would go four pages with not one mention of greenhouse
gas or climate alarmism. The momentum shift is obvious and welcome.
1 hour ago
An Experiment in Adjusting an Alcohol-based Reality Filter. The more beer you drink, the more the world seems to make sense. I'm not sure if this is the beer's fault, or the world's. Experiments proceed. For pigeonholing purposes, I consider myself a South Park Conservative: I believe in Loose Women and Tight Borders but I'm getting anime porn and legally mandated lounges for day laborers...further adjustment to the model may be needed. e-mail me at slayerdaddy-AT-yahoo.com
1 comment:
Deborah Leigh said... Yeah, and there is no reason to fear that the elevator doors won't crush or chop you in half because the sensor malfuntions. Never fear. All is well. The trains run on time. Everything is in perfect order. Yeah, and I've got bridges with swamp land for ya.
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