Operation Gratitude Care Package Weekend!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Rule 5—Because Once Again Stacy McCain Forgot to Put in the Damn Lesbians!

Honestly, cleaning up after that man...  Stacy, this ain't movie posters.  If yer gonna suggest lezbeens, ya gotta deliver lezbeens.



Estragon said...

Your sensitivity and inclusiveness in light of the gawdawful lyrics and music should earn you an Awareness Award at the next LGBT Awareness Banquet.

But don't dare show up in those shoes.

richard mcenroe said...

Hey I'm mostlyfascinated by all the psychodrama around these poor girls. It's like Dostoyevsky rewritten by a Moscow pimp. If you thought the US music business was a meatgrinder...

List of Information, Implication and Insinuation

Three Beers Later!

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