Retired Porn Star Sasha Grey Fights for Right to Read to Children...
UPDATE: As of 7:00 p.m. Sunday evening, Sasha Grey leads Barack Obama by over 300 votes!
UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!
UPDATE: Obama is so far behind in this poll, we may have to add Sasha to the next GOP debate!
Maine Man Who Murdered His Parents and Dog Moved to Women’s Prison
(ANS) A Maine man who murdered both of his parents in cold blood has been
relocated to the women’s prison in Windham after identifying as a woman, a
Maine ...
1 hour ago
I would need to hear a little more of Sasha's story before feeling comfortable that there is much difference.
That sorta answers the question right there. *g*
Wait....Sasha retired?!?!?!?! Damnit!!!!
Sasha. Like the rest of us, she got screwed in this economy. Obama was the screwer.
So far Sasha is WAY ahead in the polls.
Wait a minute! How about a poll entry to have Sasha read to ME?
No matter, I'd rather have Sasha read to my kids rather than to have them in the same room with Obama.
TO: richard mcenroe
RE: Heh
On the one hand, it depends on what is being read.
On the other hand, it's important on who is doing the reading.
On the third hand, why isn't there a response of 'NONE OF THE ABOVE'?
[Teach your children well....]
P.S. Be sure you choose a GOOD teacher.
Sasha Grey. I would say that her voice is more expressive.
Why isn't there a "none of the above"
a) Because I will always, always, always err on the side of encouraging children to read, and
b) shut up, he explained.
Look at what Obama's reading. Not a surprise, but it makes the question answer itself, doesn't it?
Smitty, one difference I can see is she's a FORMER porn star, while Obama is a CONTINUING narcissistic thief, liar and defiler of the Constitution, not to mention a serial golfer who cheats on his drops.
What's the difference between Barack Obama and Sasha Grey?
One is a whore who screws people on camera for money, and the other is an ex-porn star.
I was about to say "Better her than Jerry Sandusky," but this is better with her too.
As a result of this vote, I hereby nominate President BO for "Best Anal Scene ("Catching") for 2011"
Deviant sex is already being taught in our schools, so Sasha could probably be considered just another sex ed teacher.
Illegitimi nOn carborundum
This might do wonders for improving reading among boys.
More seriously, despite all the "girls are falling behind" propaganda you've heard from AAUW and other feminist groups agitating for more female-only preferences over the past 3 decades, boys remain way behind girls in reading. This gap has long been much, much bigger than the math gap feminist alarmists have bawled about in order to grab more girl-only programs and funding.
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