Operation Gratitude Care Package Weekend!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Other McCain Complains About the Lack of Intimacy in the GOP

In fairness to David Brooks I must confess that a Republican senator did try to feel my thigh once. Then he realized it wasn't my thigh and got intimidated. (Again, to be fair, I had the same problem with Chuck Norris.)

And in the name of bipartisanship and reaching around across the aisle, I have found Brooks a preferable dinner companion...

Carol at No Sheeples Here takes modest exception to Brooks' talent, intelligence, politcs, integrity, politeness and personal hygiene, while nevertheless finding him another tablemate.

I have to disagree, however, with her claim that 'desperate is not a sexual preference.' Usually the folks who say this are the same people who tell you that 'sex is no laughing matter.' If this is true, then I and every woman I have ever propositioned have been doing it wrong.


Dave C said...

Do you mean Robert McCain or David Brooks in the first line?

richard mcenroe said...


I meant Brooks, I was just trying to show I felt his pain, if not his femoral pulse...

No Sheeples Here! said...

Good job RM.

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