When Scott Brown passes Dick Cheney in the street... Cheney acknowledges his existence.
The reason they haven't made any more of those 'most interesting man in the world' beer commercials is because Scott Brown wouldn't grow the beard back.
Jack Bauer got the job because Scott Brown didn't see why he'd need more than 21 hours, tops,
Scott Brown once arm-wrestled Sarah Palin...to a draw.
After Scott Brown talked to Steven Spielberg, Spielberg was cured of his daddy and abandonment issues and went back to making good movies.
Scott Brown eats delta smelt sandwiches.
When George Washington crossed the Delaware, Scott Brown towed his boat... with THE TRUCK.
Ted Kennedy has never appeared in a zombie movie because Scott Brown told him to lay the hell back down. Now.
Jethro Gibbs lets Scott Brown slap people on the head for him.
Ziva David sniffs Scott Brown's hair when she thinks he won't notice. Scott Brown notices everything.
Abby does his TurboTax for him... for free.
Scott Brown doesn't use Axe deodorant... he's a donor.
Debating a Liberal Is as Futile as Putting Talcum Powder on a Hog-but I
Sometimes Still Do It
While I agree with the late Tom Anderson, who said with a distinct Southern
drawl, “Debating a liberal is as futile as putting talcum powder on a hog,”
I o...
2 hours ago
Tom, where have you been? I've missed your little "rants" over at the Closet.
You sound like a sore loser, Tom. You should work on that. And while we are on the subject, WE WON!
excellent, richard. you forgot that tony dinozza has passed his mantle of the ultimate alpha male to scott brown. and mcgee is now writing a book on the superman scott brown.
I agree with Tom that CongressWeasels aren't - or at least haven't been - paying any attention to us. Maybe that will change now, JUST enough to stop the destruction of ALL our liberties.
What can Brown do for me? MAYBE help save my country from the Neo-Monarchists in DC now!
Prairiecat55kc -- why take the chance. They've had years, decades to prove they deserved our trust. Turn the rascals out and start over! No conversions at the foot of the gallows...!
Quoted from and Linked to at:
Happy Anniversary Mr. President
Perfect, Richard!
Also, the Terminator said "Ah'll be back", and Scott Brown said, "No, you won't."
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