Just days after he checked himself out of detox... rumors in Hollywood have him shopping a script with Mel Gibson and Lindsay Lohan... a former icon continues his sad decline. Close associates say they saw it coming, confirming reports that the star had been running around pantsless in public since the early 1930's...
Coal Use Hits Record High in 2024 Thanks to India and China
The only takeaways from the coal use data are that countries with sensible
leaders are looking to the energy needs of their citizens and that climate
is to...
2 hours ago
Sorry this is off topic Richard, but a terrible thought just occurred to me. You know all those forest fires they have been having in Russia? Has anybody seen Wronwright and the Tardis lately?
I'm working on a series of shocking wronwright exposés.
If you thought the bosses at Disney were shocked just take a look at the expression on Mickey's face.
It's interesting that Donald didn't fly into one of his characteristic rages after finding that her heart and...umm,...er...well, it belongs to Mickey.
As for Wronwright, maybe he isn't responsible for the Russian fires. Perhaps he figured to make the best of it after the Tardis put him down in sunny Anaheim. Who's really behind the duck?
Deborah Leigh
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