Operation Gratitude Care Package Weekend!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Libyan Mess Not Obama's Fault

A Three Beers Later Exclusive feature by Mickey "Seconds" Mikowski, CSM 2nd Michigan Citizens Militia (Ret.), Military Correspondent...

The recent embarrassment of US/NATO intervention in the Libyan civil war, where it has become evident that we have fired $200 million in Tomahawk missiles and uncounted millions in air strikes culminating in the loss an F-15 on behalf of Al Qaeda and its associates, cannot strictly be blamed on the poor judgment, ideological blindness and provincialism of President Barack Hussein Obama.

Personally, I blame the water.  I don't know what it is about large bodies of water, but put a Democrat near one...

...whether it's Pearl Harbor...
...the Bay of Pigs...
...the Gulf of Tonkin...
...the Gulf of Mexico...
...or the Gulf of Sidra...

...put a Democrat near water and people wind up dead.  Mebbe that's why so many of them don't wash.

1 comment:

The Grey Man said...

They're like "Gremlins". Just never allow them to get wet.

PS. You forgot the partial shut down of the Gulf oil drilling, all due to the White House.

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