Jamil al-Taqqiyah is a fiery young nonpartisan journalist who regularly reports for NBC, Al-Jazeera and the BBC.
Three Beers Later is proud to offer him his first blogging venue
Egypt has erupted in utter turmoil and chaos entirely different from its usual turmoil and chaos following the release of a scandalous music video by the equally scandalous singer and bellydancer Sama Elmasry. That this reprehensible attack on a greatChampion of Islam world leader such as Barack Obama only exacerbates the outrage among the peace-loving and progressive Muslim Brotherhood, a proud fraternal organization that has spent literally decades promoting world peace and unity—
Egypt has erupted in utter turmoil and chaos entirely different from its usual turmoil and chaos following the release of a scandalous music video by the equally scandalous singer and bellydancer Sama Elmasry. That this reprehensible attack on a great
Goaded beyond any point a peace-loving man of Islam should be expected to bear, the victimized Muslim Brotherhood launched a wholly justified crackdown on rogue bellydancers throughout Cairo...
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In a noble gesture of solidarity with the forces of faith and peace, the noble Obama put aside his justifiably-injured pride and directed his proud
"By God, it reminds me of my days patrolling
Tu Do Street in my old Swift Boat..."
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